Alumini Association

Name ofthe association

The Name of the association shall be ‘The Alumni Association, KIMS College of Nursing, Thiruvananthapuram.’ This is an independent association of those who have had nursing education from this institution.

The office of the Association shall be located at KIMS College of Nursing, Thiruvananthapuram. The business hours of the Association shall ordinarily correspond to the working hours of KIMS College of Nursing, Thiruvananthapuram.

Objectives :

  • Bring the old students of KIMS College of Nursing, Thiruvananthapuram under one forum for exchange of experience, dissemination of knowledge and talents amongst its members and also for the furtherance of fellowship, advancement of scientific knowledge in general of the community and country.
  • Establishes a sense of esprit-de-corps among the members.
  • Maintains effective communication net work among the old students and the institution.
  • Develops a link between the old generation and the new.
  • Provides opportunities to meet periodically and share the experiences of the members.
  • To do all such acts, deeds and things as may be incidental, conductive to or necessary for the furtherance of the above objectives.
  • Encourages institutional loyalty and works towards educational excellence.
  • Upholds the dignity of the profession and maintains professional standards.
  • Provides financial assistance to needy members for educational activities.
  • Conducts in-service educational programmes in order to update knowledge of its members.
  • Provide opportunities to conduct Nursing Research
  • Provide merit awards to rank holders.

Membership :

  • All eligible candidates shall remit the membership fee of Rs.500/-at the time of graduation for life membership.
  • Those who have not enrolled as a life member at the time of graduation can take membership at any time.
  • Donations or endowments from members and well wishers will be accepted, and separate receipts will be issued.

Administration :

The administration of the association shall rest in an Executive Committee, hereafter referred to as the Committee elected for the purpose. All office bearers shall be life members.

The members :

  • President: A life member of the Association working inKIMS College of Nursing, Thiruvananthapuram.
  • Vice President: A life member of the Association working in Kerala
  • Secretary: A life member of the Association working inKIMS College of Nursing, Thiruvananthapuram.
  • Joint Secretary: A life member of the Association working in Kerala
  • Treasurer: A life member of the Association working inKIMS College of Nursing, Thiruvananthapuram.
  • Representatives: 3 representatives (One representative from former students in each course).
  • Co-opted members: – 3 members. Senior life members
  • Patron: Principal, KIMS College of Nursing.
  • 2 Ex-officio members:

Editorial Board :

  • Chief Editor: A senior life member of the association
  • Editor: A life member of the Association working in KIMS College of Nursing, Thiruvananthapuram.
  • Editorial Committee – 5 members elected/ nominated.

One member working in KIMS College of Nursing, Thiruvananthapuram and 4 members from different institutions.

Authors :

  • Internal Auditor-1
  • External Auditor-1

Powers and Responsibilities of the Executive Committee :

Subject to the consent of the general body of the Association, the executives shall have the following powers:

The quorum for the executive committee shall be 2/3rdof the committee members. However if quorum is not complete, the meeting shall be convened for half an hour and transact necessary agenda items even if the quorum is not complete.

  • All the members shall notify their change of address to the Secretary of the Association within one month of such change.
  • Any member, who directly or indirectly acts in such a manner as to brig disrepute or in contravention of the aims and objects of the Association, may be removed from membership of the Association by passing a resolution with a 2/3rd majority of the members present and voting in the Executive Committee meeting; provided that the member will be given an opportunity to represent his case before moving such resolution.
  • To manage all affairs of the association, to incur and meet all necessary expenses and do all such acts as are consistent with the bye-laws of the association.
  • To conduct orientation programmes and in-service education programmes for its members in the interest of maintaining professional standards.
  • To accept applications for membership and enlist members.
  • Hold executive meetings of the committee at least once in 3 months.
  • Publish news- letters annually.
  • To implement all decisions taken by the general body.
  • To fill up any casual vacancy in the committee by co-option.

Duties of the Office Bearers :

President :

  • The President shall have control over the affairs of the Association and shall preside over the committee meetings and the meeting of the general body.
  • She shall have powers to convene meeting of the committee and of the general body either on her own initiative or on the written requisition of at least 4 members in the case of executive committee and 25 members in the case of general body meetings.

Vice- President :

  • In the absence of president she/he will carry out the duties and responsibilities of the President.

Secretary :

  • To receive all applications for membership and place them before the committee for enrolling members.
  • To maintain proper registers and records and to keep in safe custody.
  • To convene meetings of the committee or of the general body when authorized to do so by the president.
  • To keep a correct record of the proceedings of all committee and general body meetings.
  • To perform all other functions as may be assigned from time to time by the President or by the Executive Committee.
  • Secretary and the treasurer will operate the account jointly.

Treasurer :

  • To keep a regular account of income and expenditure of the association and it shall be presented to the general body for approval annually.
  • She shall have powers to operate the accounts of the association and to incur such expenditure as may be approved by the committee.
  • She shall get the annual statement of accounts prepared, audited and such statements shall be placed before the committee and the general body for approval.
  • She is authorized to keep up to Rs. 2000/- in hand.

Joint Secretary :

  • To assist the secretary in all her duties.
  • In the absence of the secretary, the joint secretary will perform all the duties and responsibilities of the secretary.

Representatives :

  • Each representative will work for the association in their own area. They will help in the functioning of the association and work to strengthen the association.
  • Each representative will work for the association in their own area. They will help in the functioning of the association and work to strengthen the association.

Chief Editor :

  • Makes final decision on acceptability of data for publication.
  • Makes final decision on acceptability of data for publication.

Editor :

  • Edit and publish ‘Alumni News Letter’ annually.
  • Convenes the Editorial Board meeting.
  • Determines whether new alumni data submitted for publication are within the scope of the Alumni News letter.
  • Monitors in conjunction with editorial board the progress of all works of newsletter for timeliness in publication.

Editorial board :

  • Collects and compile information for the publication of newsletter.
  • Collects and compile information for the publication of newsletter.

Committee Meeting :

  • The executives of the association shall meet once in 3 months regularly and /or whenever need arises.
  • Any member of the executive committee who fails to attend more than two consecutive meetings of the committee without prior permission from the President/Secretary shall cease to be the member of the committee.

General Body Meeting :

  • The Executive Committee shall convene a General Body Meeting of all the Members once in every year (hereinafter) referred to as Annual General Body Meeting), on or before 30th September of every year.
  • The notice shall be sent to the members by one or more of the following modes;
    • by local delivery,
    • by post;
    • by circulation among members
    • by publication through press
  • The notice shall also be affixed on the Notice Board of the Association.
  • The notice shall specify the day, hour and place and the object of the Meeting and in case any amendment to bye-law or objects of the Association contained in the Memorandum is intended to be proposed, a copy of every such amendment shall be enclosed with the notice.
  • The Executive Committee shall maintain or cause to be maintained, proper accounts for the financial transactions of the Association in such form as may be prescribed in consultation with the Association’s Auditor.
  • Apart from the Annual General Body Meeting, the Executive Committee may convene additional General Body Meeting(s), if necessary, hereinafter referred to as Extra-ordinary General Body Meetings
  • The quorum for the General Body Meeting shall be 20 (twenty).

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